DBS Checks For Healthcare and NHS Workers
We run DBS checks for all roles across healthcare, from in-hospital specialists including paramedics and surgeons, to the support staff – porters, medical secretaries, dispatchers – that keep hospitals delivering care and attention to the people that need it.
Start an Online DBS Check
Registration is free and gives you access to our DBS check dashboard from where you can manage all DBS checks. Our simple three-step process lets you buy, send and track checks in minutes. Our fully digital system means that you can send checks straight to your applicants’ email so they can complete their NHS DBS check online. Smart, fast and secure, MyVetting.com reaches your applicants instantly to make your onboarding seamless.
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Enhanced, Standard or Basic Checks for Healthcare
Whether you’re in healthcare HR or considering a career in healthcare, a DBS check, which may also be referred to as the healthcare CRB check, is an essential part of the recruitment process. A DBS check is as important for new auxiliary team member as it is for an experienced surgeon moving into a new role. MyVetting.com can help answer your DBS questions and we’re here to support you through an online, digital DBS check.
NHS roles stipulate that a DBS check is undertaken by anyone working in a role that includes caring for, direct contact with and roles that have responsibility for vulnerable adults and children.
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Who needs an NHS healthcare DBS check?
DBS checks may be required for staff and volunteers across all health and social care settings. Roles with direct access to children, under the age of 18, and vulnerable adults should undergo a healthcare DBS. However, the organisation in question may request all roles undertake a healthcare DBS, whether that be basic, standard or enhanced.
Healthcare DBS checks are used for roles within the NHS but also when working with organisations that work in partnership with the NHS. Typical roles that would need an Enhanced DBS healthcare check include: those who carry out a regulated activity or who are in other positions of trust.
Whether you work for the NHS or due to start working for an organisation that operates alongside a trust, the most common roles that will require an Enhanced check include:
- Nursing Staff, including community nursing staff
- Consultants
- Maternity Unit staff
- Audiologist
- Dietitian
- Occupational Therapist
- Operating department practitioner
- Orthoptist
- Podiatrist
- Speech and language therapist
- In-hospital Medical Engineers
Did you know that we also run Right to Work Checks?
Enhanced DBS Checks For Healthcare Professionals
Healthcare workers working directly with children and vulnerable adults are legally required to have Enhanced DBS checks. As a ‘regulated’ activity, healthcare requires the highest level of background checks, the Enhanced DBS check.
Start Enhanced DBS Check
Standard DBS Checks For Healthcare Support Staff
The NHS is a massive organisation with thousands of support staff in-role. Staff working in support roles may only have secondary contact with patients. These roles include housekeeping and catering staff. Roles, such as these, are eligible for a Standard level DBS check, which does not cover the adult or child barring lists.
Start Standard DBS Check
DBS Check For NHS Volunteers
Volunteers supporting NHS work can include locally-organised drivers helping people to access appointments. They may drive patients in their own cars or use community-supported transport. These roles, and other roles like this, require the volunteer to undergo an Enhanced DBS check.
Ever considered a career in the NHS?