DBS Checks For Healthcare and NHS Workers
DBS Checks for Dentists and Dental Professionals
There are many different roles within the dental profession, whether working in the NHS or within your own private practice.
A DBS is often part of the recruitment process for dentists and dental professionals but it also essential for professionals in the dental sector to undertake regular checks on all staff, regardless of their position in the practice.
A DBS check is an integral part of the safeguarding process, which helps to ensure that patients wellbeing is taken care of, as well as protecting the rest of the team in the department or practice.
Roles within the dental profession include orthodontists, dentists, hygienists and patient service specialists. However, not all roles require the same level of DBS checks and some roles within a practice may not require a DBS at all – although it may be considered best practice.
What type of DBS check is required in a dental surgery?
Do Dentists Need a DBS Check?
Dentists and orthodontists require an Enhanced DBS check, with an additional barred list check on both the Adults’ and Children’s Barred List. This level of DBS check is required by any medical professional that is responsible for the healthcare of patients.
Dentists can apply for an online Enhanced DBS Check with MyVetting.com.
Dental nurses also work in roles which provide healthcare to patients and are, therefore, engaged in a regulated activity. As with dentists, dental nurses must apply for an Enhanced DBS check with barred list check.
Dental practices can quickly and seamlessly request an Enhanced DBS from MyVetting.com in seconds.
Dental practice support staff and receptionists will regularly come into contact with patients. This makes them eligible for a Standard DBS check.
They may even be eligible for an Enhanced DBS check if they have responsibility for directly working with and supervising children and/or vulnerable adults.
All members of a dental practice support team, including cleaners, are eligible for a Basic DBS check. This is often the highest level of DBS check that a member of the support team may need as their contact with patients is limited.
However, if they have access to and responsibility for cleaning patient wards, they may be eligible for a higher level of DBS check.
Online DBS Checks for Dental Practices
Applying for DBS checks for employees at your Dental Practice is quick and simple.
Register in seconds and send check alerts directly to your employees. They’ll be alerted instantly and can begin the check process straight away. Don’t worry – if they’re busy and forget to start their check, we’ll send them a text reminder after 24 and 48 hours.
When your employees upload their proof of identity, their reports will be returned within 5-10 days.